A new fire is born. The slavic heart screams and from the ashes of history comes a new Viking Age!

The Warhost of the East Storm is like a lightening bolt, wherever it strikes, the battle rages. The East Storm Commander, Igor Gorevicz, releases the winds of war! The East Storm is spread over many countries from Vinland (Canada) in the west to Poland in the east, including the UK and France. It is an alliance of different cultural groups. Each has its own individual identity, each is bound by the same unifying sense of honour.


The East Storm is renowned not only for its warriors, but also for its large collection of traders and craftsmen who are known at various events all over the world.

Their members range from fighters experienced in both showmanship and competetive fighting to those completely new to the culture of a modern viking. They participate in a variety of events, including film and TV , work for the gaming industry and other roles in the media. They are also often involved in historical demonstrations and lectures at schools and museums, as well as taking part in public shows with audiences of up to 20,000. 



Contact Igor Górewic - gorewicz@wp.pl 

storm leader



East Storm Lags