We are always seeking new members
Regardless of ethnicity, creed or gender, if you have an adventurous spirit and an interest in the Vikings, then you could join the ranks of Jomsborg. As a warrior you will learn steel weapon combat. As a reenactor you will learn the use of many tools and the skills of the Viking Age. There may be a Lag near you. For information contact a Storm leader and they will help you out.
Storm Leaders
North Storm
Marc Becker - jomswikinger@web.de
Storm commander
west Storm
Carl Edmonds
Storm commander
Aaron Nilsson - weststorm_secretary@hotmail.com
Second in command
EAST Storm
Igor Górewic - gorewicz@wp.pl
Storm commander
Utland Storm
Dave Kilbourn - dave.kilbourn@gmail.com
Storm commander
South Storm
Lorenzo Tonetto - south.storm@outlook.com
Storm commander
Jomsviking - Jomsborg Council
Alban Depper
Mark Roberts
Greg Vandil
Sven Fjeldmark
Rob Klijn
MarTyr Itram