A unique brotherhood of viking warriors

The Jomsviking Brotherhood grew out of the Jomsborgelag and was instituted in 1993 by 5 founder members : Alex Web, Mark Roberts, Philip Burthem, Robin Cowley, Robert Taylor,. Members of the Jomsviking Brotherhood are drawn from across the Viking world as well as from the Jomsborgelag, and are committed to forging an international organization capable of conducting and attending both large and small festivals around the world.The Jomsvikings are known for their superior fighting skills and showmanship, and have a strong loyalty to each other. The Jomsvikings are also deeply involved in the organisation of Jomsborg as a whole, and take various responsibilities to ensure that Jomsborg runs smoothly. The Jomsvikings is a separate organisation, but historically connected to Jomsborg. Some Jomsvikings are also members of Jomsborg.