Jomsborg, or the Jomsborgar Lag (fellowship of Jomsborg), is a worldwide organisation dedicated to recreating aspects of Viking warrior culture in the modern age.

This document is divided into three sections.

1. The structure of Jomsborg, including the role of the oath.

2. The chain of command.

3. Upholding the honour of Jomsborg.


The role of the oath.

Jomsborg is bound together by the oath. This is a mark of passage, and symbolises full membership of our organisation. The oath is transferable within the different groups of Jomsborg (as described below). It can be dissolved when a member wishes to leave Jomsborg, through a formal release. 

The wording of the oath may vary, but it essentially binds the oathtaker to Jomsborg and to fostering the spirit of Jomsborg, embodied in the phrase feed the flame.

1. Jomsborg is governed by the Jarl of Jomsborg, who is appointed by the Council of the Jomsvikings. The Jarl is answerable to the Council, and swears the oath to the Council , which includes the Storm commanders. His role is to bind together the different divisions of Jomsborg.

2. Jomsborg is divided into STORMS. There are currently five Storms, North, South, East, West and Utland. Each Storm is ruled by a Storm leader (or simply, Storm). They each sit on the Jomsviking Council. Each Storm has its own culture and style, according to the Storm Leader.  A Storm leader swears an oath of loyalty to Jomsborg, to follow the position of Jarl, to uphold the law of Jomsborg and to feed the flame.

3. Each Storm is organised into local groups, the LAGS,(Old Norse: fellowships), each ruled by a STYRSMAN (from Old Norse Styrimathr: steersman, the man who guides the ship). To form a Lag, a prospective Styrsman must contact a Storm leader. With his permission he may gather a Prospect Lag. The Storm leader will then help nurture this Lag. When a prospect Styrsman has a minimum of 10 trained warriors, including himself, he may apply to become an Oathsworn Lag. Only when the Storm leader is satisfied with a Lag's level of fighting ability and authentic equipment, will he agree to swear them into Jomsborg and his Storm. This will take place at a private ceremony. The Styrsman swears an oath of loyalty to the Storm, to uphold the Law of Jomsborg and to foster the spirit of Jomsborg.

4. Each Lag is made up of DRENGIR (singular. DRENGR, Old Norse: man of courage). A Drengr is a warrior. A Lag may also have non-combatant members, THE HOUSEHOLD, who are also a vital part of the spirit of the group, specialising in handcrafts and household skills. Both Drengir and Household are due the same level of respect. Drengir begin as prospective members, until a Styrsman is satisfied with their abilities, equipment and commitment to the group. He may then swear them in as oathsworn members in a private ceremony. They will swear loyalty to the Styrsman, to uphold the Law of Jomsborg and to feed the flame.

Warriors who are not attached to a Lag are known as FREEDRENGIR. They are responsible to the Storm leader. He will give them prospect status, and then, when satisfied with their fighting ability, equipment and commitment, he will swear them in with the same oath sworn by other Drengir. He may also do the same with someone who wishes to be Household and is unattached to a Lag. Both Freedrengir and free household are encouraged to attach themselves to a Lag as soon as possible.

The warriors of Jomsborg are also called THE EINHERJAR (Old Norse: single warhost). This is also the official warcry of Jomsborg. An oathsworn Drengr must own a shield painted in the Jomsborg colours, a rust-red cross with a white outline on a black field. The back of the shield may be painted with individual lag designs. One shield, one brotherhood.

When the members of an oathsworn Lag drop below 10 they may lose their Lag status. They will be warned of this by the Storm and be allowed time to find new oathsworn members. Failing this, at the Storm's discretion, they will be dissolved as a Lag, and hold instead Freedrengir/Free household status.

5. Anyone who is oathsworn and wishes to leave their Lag or Storm must be released from their oath by the person to whom they swore, or the person currently holding that position.

6. Anyone who wishes to change from one part of Jomsborg to another must do so with the agreement of the person to whom they swore their oath, AND with the agreement of their new Styrsman (if they hold the rank of Drengr), or Storm (if they hold the rank of Styrsman or Freedrengr). This is transferring the oath.

As an example, if an oathsworn Drengr wants to leave one Lag and join another, he must be released from his oath by his Styrsman, and the oath must be accepted by the new Styrsman. If a Drengr wants to leave his Lag and become Freedrengr, he must be released from his oath by his Styrsman, and must also be accepted by the Stormleader, who will now be responsible for him. The oath is said to be transferred from Styrsman to Storm.

7. Leaving Jomsborg. Any oathsworn member of Jomsborg may ask the person to whom they swore the oath (or the person currently holding that position) to be released from the oathbond. They are then released from Jomsborg in an honourable way.

Lapsed members, who do not maintain contact with their leader, will be expelled from the oathbond, at their leader's discretion.

Someone who is only a prospective member and has therefore not sworn an oath, may leave whenever the will.


8. Jomsborg is unique in the modern Viking world, due to our size and the breadth of nations and cultures that we cover. In order to remain cohesive and in communication, we must hold to the following chain of command. 

Jarl > Council / Storm > Styrsman > Drengr/Household.

Four ranks, four links to the chain of command. In all communications, if possible, only one link at a time should be crossed. This is vital to maintain efficient communication and for the settling of disputes.

9. Settling of disputes.

Any parties within Jomsborg in dispute with each other should first try to settle matters between themselves. IE with the person of the same rank as them. Only if they cannot reach resolution should they go to someone above them.

If this happens, all relevant parties of the next rank must be notified.

As an example: two Drengir from different Lags cannot settle their dispute. They then go to their Styrsmen. Both styrsmen must be notified, even if only one is present. It is the responsibilty of the Styrsman present to notify his counterpart and ensure he is included in communications.

If the Styrsmen cannot settle this dispute, then the Storm must be notified. However, if the Styrsmen come from different Storms, then both Storms must be kept informed. Even if only one Storm is present, both Storms must be notified. It is the responsibility of the Storm who is present to include the other in communications.

If the Storms cannot reach resolution, they should then go to the Jarl. The Jarl may make a judgement, but he is responsible to keep the Council informed.

10. Maintaining the integrity of the chain of command.

The Jarl is the lynchpin of the Storms and must be kept informed. Any Jomsborg-relevant communications between the Storms must be copied to the Jarl. The Jarl is responsible to keep the Council and the other Storms informed.

A Council member should not communicate directly with the lower ranks, on matters concerning Jomsborg, except in special cases. In such cases, he must the ensure the Jarl, Council, Storm and the Styrsman are kept informed. The Chain of Command is not to be bypassed without informing all relevant parties.

Similarly, if the Jarl communicates with a Drengr (about something other than a personal nature), he must ensure the Styrsman and Storm are informed. If a Storm communicates with a Drengr from another Storm on something official, he must inform the man's Styrsman and his Storm leader.

In order to maintain the chain of command, it is preferable to keep communications within one rank's distance. A Drengr should speak to his Styrsman before he speaks to a his Storm. Likewise, a Storm should speak with a Styrsman rather than a Drengr. This way, all links in the chain are kept in the loop, and the route of the communication is kept simple.

11. It is not permitted for a Storm or Styrsman to persuade or encourage members from one part of Jomsborg to join another. Jomsborg is a broad and diverse organisation. It is to be expected that new members may find themselves more suited to another Lag or Storm as they grow in experience. However, this growth in experience should take place before they swear the oath. Storms and Styrsmen should allow enough time for new members to mature before swearing them in. It is a privilege to belong to Jomsborg. Itr is not a numbers' game. There is no hurry. We demand quality before quantity. A leader must judge his men carefully before swearing them in.

12. A Storm only has authority over his own men. A Styrsman only has authority over his own men, not Drengir outside his own Lag. The Jarl or his representative may extend this authority for specific occasions, such as a show or a battle.

13. The highest rank present at an event is in command, unless he delegates this command to someone else. In the absence of the Jarl, the Storm with the most oathsworn Drengir present has right of command, unless another Storm present is responsible for organising an event.


14. It is forbidden to bring the name of Jomsborg into disrepute.

 As a worldwide organisation, our aim is promote viking warrior culture in the modern world. We are open to all cultures, creeds and races, and will publically respect this.  Any member who expresses opinions in public contravening this may be expelled. This includes open statements in the social media.

As a worldwide organisation, we build unity in diversity. This means we respect the diversity of the cultures within our ranks. No one culture is ascendant over another. Any member who expresses opinions in public contravening this may be expelled. This includes open statements in the social media. 

This wide-ranging diversity is the unique strength of Jomsborg as a worldwide organisation.

Members of Jomsborg, as representatives of Jomsborg, will respect the laws and customs of whichever country they are in. This is also part of maintaining the public reputation of Jomsborg.

15. The Law of Jomsborg applies to the whole of Jomsborg. However, a Storm may add extra rules of his own, prefaced by the formula: β€žIn the X-Storm...β€œ. The Jarl must be notified of these extra rules in writing. A Storm leader may also use his own terminology for the ranks within Jomsborg.